Really liking Jekyll
Jekyll works great for so many things! In particular:
- I enjoy hosting my blog and deploying using git
- I realllly like writing using markdown :)
- I’m totally comfortable modifying CSS, and I can even do that in my favorite text editor VIM!
But I miss:
- Tumblr-style sharing and reblogging. Tumblr doesn’t really have a community of code-posts anyway though.
I Want Github-Flavored CodeBlocks
I really want to write github-style code blocks, so I tried using this plugin
And it worked great locally! But I couldn’t get it to run on github pages. The end. :/
If you ever have bad syntax, jekyll won’t compile anything. No changes. And it won’t even tell you why unless you ask.
If you say please it’ll tell you - this line does it:
jekyll --no-server --no-auto